1961 |
January -
February -
March - April -
May - June - September -
October -
November -
December |
January |

Cover Photo of skaters from Chez Vous in Gimbels
Thanksgiving Day Parade |
Letters |
Billy Wolff, Coonie Umbach, Kenneth Sherman,
Michael Cuprik |
Editorial |
RSROA Supports March of Dimes |
Photo - Kathleen Schreiber |
Judges Corner |
Elm Leads Amateur Registrations |
Skate Shorts |
Page(s) 12 |
- Fire destroyed Gay's Skateland in Temple, Texas
- Edgar Watrous has been inducted in the Army
- Charles Wahlig is in Maryknoll Seminary
- Carolyn Sliger turned pro, is now teaching at Skateland, Ventura
- Forth Worth's Will Rogers Coliseum is air conditioned
- Deaths: Josephine Rosa; Tom Hopton
- Ben Morey has been injured in a car accident
- Elm Dance and Figures club have published their first newspaper
- Dick McLauchlen has moved to the West Grand Rollercade
- Marriage: Gail Eriksen and Billy Pate
Road Race Opens Highway |
A 1 1/2 mile road race was part of the
official ceremonies opening a new portion of Interstate Highway 91 between
Bernardston and Greenfield, Mass. P |
The Start of A Backward Outside Eight |
Page(s) 14,
16 |
George Pickard talks about the difficult
hurdle in a figure skater's test schedule. (Diagrams) |
Meet Your Champs - Darlene Edwards |
Page(s) 17 |
About champion 11 year old skater Darlene
Edwards P |
Roller Skating Featured in Gimbels Turkey Day Parade |
Skaters from the Chez Vous Roller Rink were
featured in this annual holiday parade P |
Pattern and the Dance |
Page(s) 23 |
Arlis Snyder believes that pattern to be an
integral and important part of the dance |
Fashions: Costume Research |
Wal-Cliffe Re-Opens |
RSROA officials were on had for the Grand
Opening of the new Wal-Cliffe Rollerdrome in Elmont, NY P |
Dance: Franklin Swing |
Page(s) 26 |
Skate Crossword Puzzle |
Rolling Around the Rinks |
- Mary Lou Pearson and David Draper P
- Ralph Thomas and Joyce Howser P
- Shyrl Lynn Eillott (18 mos) P
- Participants in a recent roller hockey clinic held by the newly
formed RSROA Penn Roller Hockey League P
- Gertie Horek and Ray Miller P
Officers of Your RSROA |
Proficiency Tests |
February |

Cover Photo of
Kim Ann Roche (age 4) |
Photo: Bradley Couey (age 12 mos) |
News |
Page(s) 8,
9 |
- RSROA Buys Larger Headquarters
- Speed Reps. Appointed
- ARRAH Meer Details Announced
- Committee Change
- Board of Control Creates Tests-Competitions Panel
- Ads
Judges Corner |
Page(s) 10 |
Important changes in Singles tests and
procedures |
Skate Daffynitions |
Page(s) 11 |
Judy Armstrong compiled this humorous list of
skate definitions |
Price Hill's Annual TV Charity Show |
Members of the Price Hill Roller Rink (Ohio)
were featured on the Rink's annual charity TV show for the March of Dimes
P |
Figure Skating: Form versus Tracing |
Page(s) 14,
16 |
George Pickard acknowledges the conflict
between these two important aspects to proper Figures Skating |
Skate Shorts |
Page(s) 17 |
- Shaw Hakim and his son Joe opened their new Motor City Roller Rink
on January 13th
- After delays, Al Kish's New Fun Spot Roller Rink opened just
outside of Toledo
- Marriage: Charles Schroer will wed Coretta Hammacher
- Ben Morey and Charles Sanford are doing fine
- Herb Eng's new RSROA Roller Hockey book is available
Skate Crossword Puzzle |
Invitational Meet |
- Competitiors from Spencer's Skateland Skating Club P
- Members of the Skateland Dance and Figure Club of Jacksonville who
competed at Spencer's P
- Winning teams in the Dance division at Spencer's: Sharon
Boynton, Albert Pinder, Joyce Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pinder, Janice
Burge and Curtis Henschel P
Meet Your Champs: Linda Jo Baker |
Page(s) 22 |
About champion 9 year old skater Linda Jo
Baker P |
The Dance: How Fast--How Far? |
Page(s) 24,
25 |
Arlis Snyder talks set patterns, speed, etc |
Championship Sites & Dates |
Rolling Around the Rinks |
- 26 skaters form the Senior Dance Club of the Hudson-Thunderbird
Roller Rink in East St. Louis, Illinois who recently passed the Optional
Dance test at the rink P
- Barbara Jean Ward and partner W. A. "Bill" Wickham P
- Sammye Lou Crews (age 11), Margaret Osborne (age 11), Dianne
Allgood (age 14) and Roger Dowdall at the Ludendi Roller Drome
- Members of the skatign Davis family of the Normandie Roller Rink,
UTAh. Shown are: Vicki Rae, Keyyl, Darrel, Kevin, Kenny and Bobby Davis.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Voigtlander with grandchildren Mark (age 7) and
Linda (age 5) P
- Barbara Ann Meixell (age 13) P
- Interior view of the skating surface of the new Rollerdrome in
Euclid, Ohio P
- John Zitel with his SRSTA teachers Dick and Elaine Minch
Officers of Your RSROA of America |
Proficiency Tests |
March |

Cover Photo of
skaters from the Rainbow Lake Rollerdrome (Tenn) |
Ads |
The Dance: Step and Edge |
Page(s) 8 |
Arlis Snyder discusses this aspect to Dance
skating |
Judges Corner |
Meet Your Champs: Christie Benda |
Page(s) 10 |
About the 1960 Senior Ladies Figure Skating
champion, Christie Benda P |
Skate Shorts |
Page(s) 11 |
- Gene Harshbarger is not only an Apprentice teacher, he is also a
comedian and MC
- Bob Campbell and Charles Becker skated ten miles down
Broad Street in the Mummers parade
- Beverly Whitworth won the title of "Junior Miss" of Michigan
- The National Roller Hockey Champions will play the Capitol Hockey
- Tony and Caroline Mirelli's semi-formal skating dance was a success
- Deaths: Oscar Jellse; Walter Anderson
Doctoring the Dance |
Page(s) 12,
14 |
George Pickard continues examining the
difficulties in Dance Skating |
Fashions - Pattern Ideas |
Page(s) 15 |
RSROA Scoring Rules |
Page(s) 18,
19 |
Part One of a Two-Part Series on the
clarification of RSROA scoring rules |
Skate Crossword Puzzle |
March of Dimes Activities |
March of Dimes collection during a recent
fund-raising night at the South Cobb Roller Rink P |
Rolling Around the Rinks |
- A recent girl scout graduation class from the Moonlight Skating
Palace P
- Clarence Reynolds of the Cleveland Skate Co., and RSROA
Vice-President Bert Anselmi with Shaw Hakim P
- Faye Reeves of Southland Dance and Figure Club P
- A portion of the membership of the Skateland Dance & Figure Club of
Skateland (Tenn.) P
- Some of the successful skaters from the first tests ever held at
the Lakeside Roller Rink: Lois Berg, Marlene Buss, Neil Bohmsach, Dr. F.C.
Johnson, Jack Kivett, Nancy Shreiner, Janet Hintz, Patricia Drozd, Donna
Salter, Jenny Kivett, Darlene Raebel, Kim Walters and Linda Purvayn P
- Jill Smith (age 15 mos) P
- Contestants in the first Dance of the Month Contest sponsored by
the Han Mar Gardens P
- Mr. And Mrs. Robert Kennedy, operators of the Roll-A-Way Roller
Rink with Janet Davis and Johnny Surber P
Officers of Your RSROA |
Proficiency Tests |
April |

Cover Photo of
Betty Tucker, Queen Barbara Roberts and Carol Hall |
Letters |
Beverly Lake, Rob Wollard |
Salute: Cap Sefferino "What the RSROA Has Done For Me" |
Photo - Jenny Stewart (age 7) |
Judges Corner |
A Happy Ending - Victor J. Brown P |
Page(s) 11 |
March of Dimes Activities |
Barn Skating Club of Macon, Georgia raised
153.00 for the March of Dimes P |
Heart Fund Shows |
- Dance skaters who took part in the Queen of Hearts coronation at
Hawkins Roller Rink (North Carolina). $1556.00 was raised for the Heart
Fund P
- Pretty Janet Mezerowski is the Queen of Hearts of the Pinellas
Roller Rink. $628 was given to the Heart fund P
- Heart Fund Queen with the other contestants from the Bel Air Roller
Rink. The Heart fund is $225.00 richer from this rink campaign P
Doctoring the Dance |
Page(s) 14,
16 |
George Pickard continues his analysis of
common dance illnesses |
Meet Your Champs - Tom Gregory |
Page(s) 17 |
About 1960 Senior Mens Figure Champion Tom
Gregory P |
Elm Skating Club Revue P |
RSROA Scoring Rules |
Page(s) 21 |
Part Two of a Two-Part Series on the
Clarification of RSROA Scoring Rules |
Free Skating - Assignment of Value |
Page(s) 22,
23 |
Arlis Snyder discusses judging in this
competitive field |
Rolling Around the Rinks |
- A recent Girl Scout Graduation class from the Wal-Lex Rollerway
- Pretty Valentines with their escorts of Skate Land, North Carolina
, Winning Queen is Pat Gammons P
- Juvenile and Junior placement winners in the Annual Invitational
Meet at Moonlight Roller Rink P
Skate Shorts |
Page(s) 25 |
- Ralph Fox is running for the city council
- Lansdowne Olympic Roller Rink and Skate Dance Studio has the
longest rink name
- Michigan Speed Derby club is sponsoring its Third Annual Speed
- Births: Ray and Betty Des Autels have a new baby girl, Cheri Lynn
- Aunt Elsie Kempf recently underwent surgery
Rolling Around the Rinks |
- Judy Carpenter and Susan Throne P
- Wed: Gail Eriksen and Bill Pate P
- Carol Stout and Rob Wollard P
- First Girl Scout Graduation Class of Roller Drome, Ohio P
- Some of the members of the Skating Tigers Club of Paradise Roller
Rink: Daisy Lozada, Esther Vega de Moreno, Milagritos Vizcarrondo, Rosie
Lugo, Gloria Duchesne, Dulcilla Lugo P
- Tom Willey and Muriel Mowder P
- Jo Anne Willams practices her figures at the Rollerdrome
- Girl Scout Graduation Class of Skate Arena, New Jersey P
Officers of Your RSROA |
Proficiency Tests |
May |

Cover Photo of
Donna Rawlings and Donna Harding |
Letters |
Tom Panno, Charles Schroer |
Woman Police Officer if Top-Notch Roller Skater |
Page(s) 8 |
Police Officer Helen Barton P |
Photo: Mark Howard (age 14 mos) |
The Outside Back Loop P |
Page(s) 10,
11 |
Judges Corner |
Page(s) 12 |
Oaks Roller Rhythms of '61 |
"Roller Rhythms of 1961" presented by the Oaks
Roller Rink P |
Fashions: Paris Styles |
Page(s) 14 |
Skate Shorts |
Page(s) 14 |
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Denis tells of the huge success of their recent
10th Annual All-Ohio contest
- Springfield Lake Roller Club was awarded "The Most Promising New
Group of 1961"
- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Robertson held a Junior Chamber of Commerce
Skating Festival
Championship Date, Site Changes |
Amateur Registration Leaders |
American Meet Plans and Details |
Dance: Expression and Presentation |
Page(s) 20,
21 |
Arlis Snyder talks style in Dance Skating
Play Hockey |
Rockford Roller Rink Show |
"Sound of Music" was the title of the special
benefit show staged by the Rockford Roller Rink P |
Skate Crossword Puzzle - You Be the Referee Answers |
Heart Fund Queens |
- Attending Queen of Hearts Sharon Griffiths are Betty Ann Cunin,
Cheryl Crieghton, Ann Cholley, Lynne Mottice and Sue Webb P
- Queen of Hearts coronation ceremonies at Roll-A-Rena, Missouri,
Wueen Janice Elam was crowned by Sharon Likens. Top runners up were
Delores Murphy, Wanda Davis and Patty Stokes P
- Moses Lake Skating Club selected 2 Queens: Charlotte Bartram and
Cathy Criggs P
- Betty Edgecomb, Queen of Hearts of Fernwood Gardens P
- Heart King Palmer Berger and Queen Judy McNamee P
Rolling Around the Rinks |
- Members of the Dearborn Rollerdrome free skating class P
- Action aplenty during a recent roller hockey exhibition game staged
at Em's Rollerland (Florida) P
Officers of Your RSROA |
Gold Medal Test Results - Proficiency Tests |
Page(s) 30 |
June |

Cover Photo of the Will Rogers Coliseum |
Ads |
Official |
8 |
Notice of 1961 Convention
and Championships |
American Championships Schedule of Events |
Judges Corner |
10 |
Ft. Worth Hotel List
11 |
Play Hockey |
12 |
As the association grows in
size and experience and understanding of the rules becomes universal, clubs
across the nation begin to suggest refinements |
Mid-South Speed Results
& Gold Medal Test Details w/Application |
13 |
American Championship Plans
14 |
Meet Your Champs - Paul Boehm |
15 |
About 1960 "Texas Tornado"
champ Paul Boehm P |
Observations on the Dance
17 |
George Pickard explores the
foundations of Dance skating |
(unofficial) The Elsbeth Fox Trot |
18 |
Champions - Senior
Fours Team Tops in Versatility |
19 |
About the 1960 champion
Senior Fours team of Sue Welch, Ricky Martins, Sylvia Ritchie and Louis
Parker P |
Championships Speed Notice
20 |
Skate Shorts |
21 |
- H.W. Holmes invites all skaters on their way to
Ft. Worth to skate at his rink as his guest
- Ted Moyes and Leo Pieraccini will take on any
RSROA Juvenile Boy's Speed Team in the country
- Bud Wilkinson was appointed as special aide to
Pres. Kennedy in regards to youth fitness
- George Brett and Bob Tabacchi were honored for
their work with the mentally ill and skating
- Births: Chuck and Mille Crandall have a
daughter, Charlene; Henry and Lee Haffke have a new daughter, Karen Lee;
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Weisenmiller have a son, Michael
- Jeanne Desmoreaux is ill and won't be skating
with partner Ron Cook
Rollerland Skate Show
P |
24 |
Youth Fitness Director
& Where Did that Ball Go? P |
25 |
Rolling about the Rinks
29 |
- Roller Skating was the highlight of the annual
Rodeo Parade in Phoeniz, AZ P
- Queen of Hearts in Ventura, CA, is Terrie
Edwards P
- Jon Fletcher and Al Kish at the opening of
Kish's new Fun Spot Roller Rink in Ohio P
- Girl Scout graduation class at Moonlight Skating
Rink (Illinois) P
- Actor James Garner and wife skated at the
Hollywood Rollerbowl P
- Skaters at the South Cobb Roller Rink in Georgia
- First, Second and Third Place finishers of an
invitational meet held at the Marion Skate Inn (Illinois) P
- Officers of the newly formed Topsy Turvey Club
of the Westview Playland Rollercase (Texas) P
Officers of your RSROA |
RSROA Operator, Rink Listing |
Proficiency Tests |
42 |
September |

Cover Photo of
Marge Van Pavenage with Alfreda May Lord and Ann Curry |
Ads |
News |
Page(s) 9 |
- Jersey Girl Named Queen (Marjorie Van Pavenage)
- Rando Re-Elected
- Pontiac Wins Hancy Trophy
Championship Highlights |
Page(s) 10,
11 |
All the juicy details from this year's RSROA
American Amateur Roller Skating Championships in Ft. Worth P |
Official - Annual BATC Report |
Impression of the 1961 American Championships |
Page(s) 17 |
Arlis Snyder's highlights |
Official Results of 1961 American Championships |
Page(s) 20,
28 |
Officers of Your RSROA |
Gold Medals - Proficiency Tests |
Page(s) 30 |
October |

Cover Photo of
Shirley Stahl and Betty Thomier as Mickey and Minnie |
Photo: George Grudza |
Skate Shorts |
Page(s) 8 |
- Joe Elliot believes that "M" and "W" have become the magic letters
in the Senior Mens Singles division
- Rolling Ghosts roller hockey team is a family affair made up of the
Sisson and Black brothers and Lyndol Hall
- Births: Ted & Doris Jenkins have a new son, Terry Allen; Ralph
Ferguson and his wife have a new son Allen Welsey
- Marjorie Van Pavenage thanks everyone for her lovely gifts
Lincoln, Nebraska get '62 Championships; Convention in Chicago |
Photo: Lenard Pemberton and his wife Ruby |
News |
- TV will feature RSROA Skaters in Macy Parade
- RSROA Board Results
Fashions: Esquire |
Page(s) 12 |
Amateur Registration Awards |
- William Fuchs of the Elm Skating Club P
- Dotti Lane accepts for the Spinning Wheels Dance and Figure Club
- Edward LeVenture accepts for the Marshfield Skating club P
The Insider Forward Loop |
Page(s) 14,
15 |
BATC Board in Action P |
Pickard Named to New RSROA Post P |
Rolling Around the Rinks |
- Members of the Tom Don Dance & Figure Club with their Club Float in
the Annual Elks Rodeo Parade in Santa Maria. P
- The Scrantan Red Wings hockey team P
- A recent Girl Scout graduation class of Skateland, Tampa P
- Cindy and Mark Hatfield team up with Brenda and Jamie Kelly during
a pre-school matinee P
- Ken and Irene Robertson P
- Charles Santoro and Jacquelin Desisto P
- Mr. and Mrs. John Krailler with their two sons and their skating
partners: Nancy Ireland and John who compete in Junior dance, Eileen
Shelden and James who compete in Juvenile Dance, and parents John and Jean
who compete in Esquire Dance P
- Tommy Bryant and Linda Derr P
- Marianne Jones, Sandy Regier, Kimmie Dixon, Liz Morrow and Claudia
Bissett P
- The former Eileen Batt, now Sister Mary Rosalia P
- Gary Wayne McMullin and Janava Taylor (20 mos) P
- The "Mouseketeers" of the Junior Club of the Sweetwater Dance and
Figure Club P
- Skaters from the Rainbow Lake Rollerdrome P
- A recent Girl Scout graduation class at the Skateland Roller Rink
- Hawaii was the theme of a skating party at Kate's roller Rink
(North Carolina) P
Ads |
Official - Singles Free Skating Test Changes |
Officers of Your RSROA - Proficiency Tests |
November |

Cover Photo of
Vicki Whitman (age 11) |
Photo: Carolyn Dillon and Rae Bartram as cats for a skating show |
Editorial - "The End of the AAU" |
Skate Shorts |
Page(s) 10 |
- Karen Bandit challenged her father to shave off his mustache if she
won at the National Championships
- Henry Haffke got into a water skiing accident
- Charlie Santoro had to build a new and larger trophy case for his
- Bruce Ritchie and Johnn Matejec were called up on Reserve
- Charley Wahlig is now teaching at Riverside (NJ) Roller Drome
- Roll-A-Rink, Tampa, Florida is hosting the "Florida All Star Races"
- Sharon Ingle is from Pasadena, California instead of Texas
- Nancy Lee Parker and her partner did a ice skating routine on the
Ed Sullivan show
News |
Page(s) 11 |
- Semi-Annual Meeting Set
- "Club Pak" Plan Approved
- George Muller Passes Away P
Jimmy Fund Show |
Over 300 skaters took part in the third annual
benefit skating show at the Boston Arena which raised $5,000 for the Jimmy
Fund. P |
Meet Your Champs - Phillip Sukel |
Page(s) 15 |
About American Senior Mens Figure Skating
champion Phillip Sukel P |
Panel Forum |
Page(s) 16 |
Competition Requirements for 1962 |
Official Dances (Diagrams) |
Page(s) 20,
21 |
- Border Blues
- Princeton Polka
- Queens Bolero
- Manzanita
- Charmayne Waltz
- The Brigadier
- Dorand Fox Trot
- Academy Blues
Fashions - Eye Catchers |
Page(s) 22 |
Ads |
Rolling Around the Rink |
- Happy youngsters take the floor during a recent party at the
Hippodrome Roller Rink P
- Operator George Nelson and his wife Marion watch as Dr. Joran
presents the Gaytime Roller Rink's "best dressed and behavior" trophy to
Shirley Seals and Ronnie Komula P
- Over 200 skaters from Illinois, Indiana, Kansas and Missouri who
participated in an invitational Meet at Hodges Roller Rink P
- Four generations are represented in this family picture from the
Barn skating Club: Mrs. Ruth Herndon, Mrs. Mary Louis King, Barbara Dunban
and her daughter Debbie. P
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowen P
- Four of the five dance teams from the Oak Lawn Roller Rink: Jerry
Neilheisel, Sharon Lehman, Don Tallerico, Barbara Maple, Bruce Summers,
Joyce Ban Bezey, Ted Lehman and Bonnie O'Connor P
- The pretty float of the Great Lakes Roller Arena Club which the
club displayed last summer in the Wyandotte Fourth of July and the Monroe
State Fair parades P
- A group of skaters from "Fryer Tuck's" Roller Rink P
- The Hollywood Skating Club took third place in its classification
in a Hollywood parade which featured over 200 floats P
- Eighteen NY skaters from the Empire Rollerdrome, New Wal-Cliffe
Rollerdrome and Roll N' Ice. The skaters all 1961 NYS and Northeast
Regional champions staged an exhibition at Salisbury Park, NY. The
exhibitions were directed by Roll N' Ice roller rink teachers.
- Joyce Hudson (age 10) P
- Paula Hingle (age 7) P
Officers of Your RSROA - Proficiency Tests |
December |

Cover Photo of
Eddie Perales |
Photo - Mary Sue Wilcox |
Page(s) 5 |
Skate Shorts |
Page(s) 8 |
- Interest in RSROA roller hockey continues to spread throughout the
- Jerry Nista was selected as "California Operator of the Year"
- Births: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Murphy have a new daughter, Janice Diane
- Deaths: Mrs. W.D. Keeter's husband
- Dick McLauchlen is co-operator of the Gayety Roller Rink
- James Harmer has turned pro and is now teaching at Cleveland
- Richard Jeru has been appointed the Speed Rep of the Southwest
Pacific Region
- Daniel Hunter has been named as South Central Regional Rep of the
American Judges council
Elm Skating Club Leads Registrations |
News |
Page(s) 10,
11 |
- American Champs Head for New Zealand
- Invitational Set at Rolladium
- Fomac Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Speed: Tips for the Speed Skater |
Page(s) 12 |
Panel Forum |
Page(s) 13 |
Fashions |
Page(s) 14 |
Roller Hockey |
Rolling Around the Rinks |
- A group of NJ rink operators gather with RSROA Roller Skating Queen
Marge Van Pavenage: John Wysoczanski, Fred Rendfrey, Victor J. Brown, Ray
Rendfrey, George Nelson P
- Some of the colorful costumes displayed by the skaters at a costume
party at the Silver Skate Roller Rink P
- Mike Stubbe and Marty Laufer P
- Charles Santoro presents an orchid to Diane Kern P
- Henry Schuman, Cathy Scott and Ken Sherman P
Official Dances - (Diagrams) |
Page(s) 20,
21 |
- Franklin Swing
- The Springs Blues
- Jo-Ann Tango
- Saginaw
- Cadle Lite Waltz
- Buckingam Blues
- Springtime Waltz
Official RSROA Dance Instructions |
Page(s) 22 |
- Princeton Polka
- Border Blues
Ads |
Officers of Your RSROA |
RSROA Operator, Rink Listing |
Proficiency Tests |